Marketing Maven 2022/2023

by | Nov 20, 2022 | Event, News

Grade 9 Junior Achievement Company of Entrepreneurship (JACE) Programme students are eligible to enter the 2022/2023 Marketing Maven Compeition.

The competition must be led by the Marketing Director and the marketing team of each student company.


Each student company is encouraged enter by preparing and submitting:

  • A written marketing plan to include social media, print media and in person/at school marketing activities (2 pages).
  • A 3-minute commercial focusing on marketing your product/service to increase your sales.
Important Dates

Competition Opens: November 29, 2022
Submissions Due: March 1, 2023


1st Place: $25,000 JMD
2nd Place: $15,000 JMD
3rd Place: $10,000 JMD

Judging Criteria

1. Marketing Plan
2. Commercial
3. Social Media Video Voting*

*Commercials will be featured on Junior Achievement’s Instagram page for voting purposes. Online voting will start on March 6, 2023 and close at midnight on March 14, 2023.

Apply Here:


Contact us at or call us at (876) 317-4036


About JA Jamaica

JA Jamaica is a registered non-governmental organization and a member nation of Junior Achievement Worldwide, the world’s largest organization dedicated to educating students about work readiness, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy through experiential, hands‐on programs.